Chapter 10. Logging
A good maxim of war is "know your enemy," and the same advice applies to business. You need to know your customers or, on a web site, your visitors. Everything you can know about them is in the Environment variables (discussed in Chapter 16) that Apache gets from the incoming request. Apache's logging directives, which are explained in this chapter, extract whichever elements of this data you want and write them to log files. However, this is often not very useful data in itself. For instance, you may well want to track the repeated visits of individual customers as revealed by their cookie trail. This means writing rather tricky CGI scripts to read in great slabs of log file, break them into huge, multilevel arrays, and search the arrays to track the data you want. 10.1 Logging by Script and DatabaseIf your site uses a database manager, you could sidestep this cumbersome procedure by writing scripts on the fly to log everything you want to know about your visitors, reading data about them from the environment variables, and recording their choices as they work through the site. Depending on your needs, it can be much easier to log the data directly than to mine it out of the log files. For instance, one of the authors (PL) has a medical encyclopedia web site ( Simple Perl scripts write database records to keep track of the following:
Having stored this useful information in the database manager, it is then not hard to write a script, accessed via an SSL connection (see Chapter 11), which can only be accessed by the site management to generate HTML reports with totals and statistics that illuminate marketing problems. 10.2 Apache's Logging FacilitiesApache offers a wide range of options for controlling the format of the log files. In line with current thinking, older methods (RefererLog, AgentLog, and CookieLog) have now been replaced by the config_log_module. To illustrate this, we have taken ... /site.authent and copied it to ... /site.logging so that we can play with the logs: User webuser Group webgroup ServerName IdentityCheck on NameVirtualHost <VirtualHost> LogFormat "customers: host %h, logname %l, user %u, time %t, request %r, status %s,bytes %b," CookieLog logs/cookies ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /usr/www/APACHE3/site.logging/htdocs/customers ServerName ErrorLog /usr/www/APACHE3/site.logging/logs/customers/error_log TransferLog /usr/www/APACHE3/site.logging/logs/customers/access_log ScriptAlias /cgi_bin /usr/www/APACHE3/cgi_bin </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost> LogFormat "sales: agent %{httpd_user_agent}i, cookie: %{http_Cookie}i, referer: %{Referer}o, host %!200h, logname %!200l, user %u, time %t, request %r, status %s,bytes %b," CookieLog logs/cookies ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /usr/www/APACHE3/site.logging/htdocs/salesmen ServerName ErrorLog /usr/www/APACHE3/site.logging/logs/salesmen/error_log TransferLog /usr/www/APACHE3/site.logging/logs/salesmen/access_log ScriptAlias /cgi_bin /usr/www/APACHE3/cgi_bin <Directory /usr/www/APACHE3/site.logging/htdocs/salesmen> AuthType Basic AuthName darkness AuthUserFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_users/sales AuthGroupFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_users/groups require valid-user </Directory> <Directory /usr/www/APACHE3/cgi_bin> AuthType Basic AuthName darkness AuthUserFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_users/sales AuthGroupFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_users/groups #AuthDBMUserFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_dbm/sales #AuthDBMGroupFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_dbm/groups require valid-user </Directory> </VirtualHost> There are a number of directives.
The ErrorLog directive sets the name of the file to which the server will log any errors it encounters. If the filename does not begin with a slash (/), it is assumed to be relative to the server root.
If the filename begins with a pipe (|), it is assumed to be a command to spawn a file to handle the error log. Apache 1.3 and Above
Using syslog instead of a filename enables logging via syslogd(8) if the system supports it. The default is to use syslog facility local7, but you can override this by using the syslog:facility syntax, where facility can be one of the names usually documented in syslog(1). Using syslog allows you to keep logs for multiple servers in a centralized location, which can be very convenient in larger installations. Your security could be compromised if the directory where log files are stored is writable by anyone other than the user who starts the server.
TransferLog specifies the file in which to store the log of accesses to the site. If it is not explicitly included in the Config file, no log will be generated.
The AgentLog directive sets the name of the file to which the server will log the User-Agent header of incoming requests. file-pipe is one of the following: A filename A filename relative to the ServerRoot. "| <command>" This is a program to receive the agent log information on its standard input. Note that a new program will not be started for a VirtualHost if it inherits the AgentLog from the main server.
Also, see the Apache security tips document discussed in Chapter 11 for details on why your security could be compromised if the directory where log files are stored is writable by anyone other than the user that starts the server. This directive is provided for compatibility with NCSA 1.4.
LogLevel controls the amount of information recorded in the error_log file. The levels are as follows:
Each level will report errors that would have been printed by higher levels. Use debug for development, then switch to, say, crit for production. Remember that if each visitor on a busy site generates one line in the error_log, the hard disk will soon fill up and stop the system.
LogFormat sets the information to be included in the log file and the way in which it is written. The default format is the Common Log Format (CLF), which is expected by off-the-shelf log analyzers such as wusage ( or ANALOG, so if you want to use one of them, leave this directive alone.[2] The CLF format is as follows: host ident authuser date request status bytes
The log format can be customized using a format_string. The commands in it have the format %[condition]key_letter ; the condition need not be present. If it is and the specified condition is not met, the output will be a -. The key_letter s are as follows: %...a: Remote IP-address %...A: Local IP-address %...B: Bytes sent, excluding HTTP headers. %...b: Bytes sent, excluding HTTP headers. In CLF format i.e. a '-' rather than a 0 when no bytes are sent. %...{Foobar}C: The contents of cookie "Foobar" in the request sent to the server. %...D: The time taken to serve the request, in microseconds. %...{FOOBAR}e: The contents of the environment variable FOOBAR %...f: Filename %...h: Remote host %...H The request protocol %...{Foobar}i: The contents of Foobar: header line(s) in the request sent to the server. %...l: Remote logname (from identd, if supplied) %...m The request method %...{Foobar}n: The contents of note "Foobar" from another module. %...{Foobar}o: The contents of Foobar: header line(s) in the reply. %...p: The canonical Port of the server serving the request %...P: The process ID of the child that serviced the request. %...q The query string (prepended with a ? if a query string exists, otherwise an empty string) %...r: First line of request %...s: Status. For requests that got internally redirected, this is the status of the *original* request --- %...>s for the last. %...t: Time, in common log format time format (standard english format) %... {format}t: The time, in the form given by format, which should be in strftime(3) format. (potentially localized) %...T: The time taken to serve the request, in seconds. %...u: Remote user (from auth; may be bogus if return status (%s) is 401) %...U: The URL path requested, not including any query string. %...v: The canonical ServerName of the server serving the request. %...V: The server name according to the UseCanonicalName setting. %...X: Connection status when response is completed. 'X' = connection aborted before the response completed. '+' = connection may be kept alive after the response is sent. '-' = connection will be closed after the response is sent. (This directive was %...c in late versions of Apache 1.3, but this conflicted with the historical ssl %...{var}c syntax.) The format string can contain ordinary text of your choice in addition to the % directives.
The first argument is the filename to which log records should be written. This is used exactly like the argument to TransferLog; that is, it is either a full path, relative to the current server root, or a pipe to a program. The format argument specifies a format for each line of the log file. The options available for the format are exactly the same as those for the argument of the LogFormat directive. If the format includes any spaces (which it will in almost all cases), it should be enclosed in double quotes. Instead of an actual format string, you can use a format nickname defined with the LogFormat directive. 10.2.1 site.authent — Another Examplesite.authent is set up with two virtual hosts, one for customers and one for salespeople, and each has its own logs in ... /logs/customers and ... /logs/salesmen. We can follow that scheme and apply one LogFormat to both, or each can have its own logs with its own LogFormats inside the <VirtualHost> directives. They can also have common log files, set up by moving ErrorLog and TransferLog outside the <VirtualHost> sections, with different LogFormats within the sections to distinguish the entries. In this last case, the LogFormat files could look like this: <VirtualHost> LogFormat "Customer:..." ... </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost> LogFormat "Sales:..." ... </VirtualHost> Let's experiment with a format for customers, leaving everything else the same: <VirtualHost> LogFormat "customers: host %h, logname %l, user %u, time %t, request %r status %s, bytes %b," ... We have inserted the words host, logname, and so on to make it clear in the file what is doing what. In real life you probably wouldn't want to clutter the file up in this way because you would look at it regularly and remember what was what or, more likely, process the logs with a program that would know the format. Logging on to and going to summer catalog produces this log file: customers: host, logname unknown, user -, time [07/Nov/ 1996:14:28:46 +0000], request GET / HTTP/1.0, status 200,bytes - customers: host, logname unknown, user -, time [07/Nov/ 1996:14:28:49 +0000], request GET /hen.jpg HTTP/1.0, status 200, bytes 12291, customers: host, logname unknown, user -, time [07/Nov /1996:14:29:04 +0000], request GET /tree.jpg HTTP/1.0, status 200, bytes 11532, customers: host, logname unknown, user -, time [07/Nov/ 1996:14:29:19 +0000], request GET /bath.jpg HTTP/1.0, status 200, bytes 5880, This is not too difficult to follow. Notice that while we have logname unknown, the user is -, the usual report for an unknown value. This is because customers do not have to give an ID; the same log for salespeople, who do, would have a value here. We can improve things by inserting lists of conditions based on the error codes after the % and before the command letter. The error codes are defined in the HTTP 1.0 specification: 200 OK 302 Found 304 Not Modified 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized 403 Forbidden 404 Not found 500 Server error 503 Out of resources 501 Not Implemented 502 Bad Gateway The list from HTTP 1.1 is as follows: 100 Continue 101 Switching Protocols 200 OK 201 Created 202 Accepted 203 Non-Authoritative Information 204 No Content 205 Reset Content 206 Partial Content 300 Multiple Choices 301 Moved Permanently 302 Moved Temporarily 303 See Other 304 Not Modified 305 Use Proxy 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized 402 Payment Required 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 405 Method Not Allowed 406 Not Acceptable 407 Proxy Authentication Required 408 Request Time-out 409 Conflict 410 Gone 411 Length Required 412 Precondition Failed 413 Request Entity Too Large 414 Request-URI Too Large 415 Unsupported Media Type 500 Internal Server Error 501 Not Implemented 502 Bad Gateway 503 Service Unavailable 504 Gateway Time-out 505 HTTP Version not supported You can use ! before a code to mean "if not." !200 means "log this if the response was not OK." Let's put this in salesmen: <VirtualHost> LogFormat "sales: host %!200h, logname %!200l, user %u, time %t, request %r, status %s,bytes %b," ... An attempt to log in as fred with the password don't know produces the following entry: sales: host, logname unknown, user fred, time [19/Aug/ 1996:07:58:04 +0000], request GET HTTP/1.0, status 401, bytes - However, if it had been the infamous bill with the password theft, we would see: host -, logname -, user bill, ... because we asked for host and logname to be logged only if the request was not OK. We can combine more than one condition, so that if we only want to know about security problems on sales, we could log usernames only if they failed to authenticate: LogFormat "sales: bad user: %400,401,403u" We can also extract data from the HTTP headers in both directions: %[condition]{user-agent}i This prints the user agent (i.e., the software the client is running) if condition is met. The old way of doing this was AgentLog logfile and ReferLog logfile. 10.3 Configuration LoggingApache is able to report to a client a great deal of what is happening to it internally. The necessary module is contained in the mod_info.c file, which should be included at build time. It provides a comprehensive overview of the server configuration, including all installed modules and directives in the configuration files. This module is not compiled into the server by default. To enable it, either load the corresponding module if you are running Win32 or Unix with DSO support enabled, or add the following line to the server build Config file and rebuild the server: AddModule modules/standard/mod_info.o It should also be noted that if mod_info is compiled into the server, its handler capability is available in all configuration files, including per-directory files (e.g., .htaccess). This may have security-related ramifications for your site. To demonstrate how this facility can be applied to any site, the Config file on .../ is the .../site.authent file slightly modified: User webuser Group webgroup ServerName NameVirtualHost LogLevel debug <VirtualHost> #CookieLog logs/cookies AddModuleInfo mod_setenvif.c "This is what I've added to mod_setenvif" ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /usr/www/APACHE3/ ServerName ErrorLog /usr/www/APACHE3/ TransferLog /usr/www/APACHE3/ ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /usr/www/APACHE3/cgi-bin <Location /server-info> SetHandler server-info </Location> </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost> CookieLog logs/cookies ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /usr/www/APACHE3/ ServerName ErrorLog /usr/www/APACHE3/ TransferLog /usr/www/APACHE3/ ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /usr/www/APACHE3/cgi-bin <Directory /usr/www/APACHE3/> AuthType Basic #AuthType Digest AuthName darkness AuthUserFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_users/sales AuthGroupFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_users/groups #AuthDBMUserFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_dbm/sales #AuthDBMGroupFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_dbm/groups #AuthDigestFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_digest/sales require valid-user satisfy any order deny,allow allow from deny from all #require user daphne bill #require group cleaners #require group directors </Directory> <Directory /usr/www/APACHE3/cgi-bin> AuthType Basic AuthName darkness AuthUserFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_users/sales AuthGroupFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_users/groups #AuthDBMUserFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_dbm/sales #AuthDBMGroupFile /usr/www/APACHE3/ok_dbm/groups require valid-user </Directory> </VirtualHost> Note the AddModuleInfo line and the <Location ...> block. 10.3.1 AddModuleInfoThe AddModule directive allows the content of string to be shown as HTML-interpreted additional information for the module module-name. AddModuleInfo module-name string Server config, virtual host For example: AddModuleInfo mod_auth.c 'See <A HREF=" mod auth.html"></A>' To invoke the module, browse to,and you will see something like the following: Apache Server Information Server Settings, mod_setenvif.c, mod_usertrack.c, mod_auth_digest.c, mod_auth_db.c, mod_auth_anon.c, mod_auth.c, mod_access.c, mod_rewrite.c, mod_alias.c, mod_userdir.c, mod_actions.c, mod_imap.c, mod_asis.c, mod_cgi.c, mod_dir.c, mod_autoindex.c, mod_ include.c, mod_info.c, mod_status.c, mod_negotiation.c, mod_mime.c, mod_log_config.c, mod_env.c, http_core.c Server Version: Apache/1.3.14 (Unix) Server Built: Feb 13 2001 15:20:23 API Version: 19990320:10 Run Mode: standalone User/Group: webuser(1000)/1003 Hostname/port: Daemons: start: 5 min idle: 5 max idle: 10 max: 256 Max Requests: per child: 0 keep alive: on max per connection: 100 Threads: per child: 0 Excess requests: per child: 0 Timeouts: connection: 300 keep-alive: 15 Server Root: /usr/www/APACHE3/ Config File: /usr/www/APACHE3/ PID File: logs/ Scoreboard File: logs/apache_runtime_status Module Name: mod_setenvif.c Content handlers: none Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs Request Phase Participation: Post-Read Request, Header Parse Module Directives: SetEnvIf - A header-name, regex and a list of variables. SetEnvIfNoCase - a header-name, regex and a list of variables. BrowserMatch - A browser regex and a list of variables. BrowserMatchNoCase - A browser regex and a list of variables. Current Configuration: Additional Information: This is what I've added to mod_setenvif ............ The file carries on to document all the compiled-in modules. 10.4 StatusIn a similar way, Apache can be persuaded to cough up comprehensive diagnostic information by including and invoking the module mod_status: AddModule modules/standard/mod_status.o This produces invaluable information for the webmaster of a busy site, enabling her to track down problems before they become disasters. However, since this is really our own business, we don't want the unwashed mob out on the Web jostling to see our secrets. To protect the information, we therefore restrict it to a whole or partial IP address that describes our own network and no one else's. 10.4.1 Server StatusFor this exercise, which includes info as previously, the httpd.conf in ... /site.status file should look like this: User webuser Group webgroup ServerName DocumentRoot /usr/www/APACHE3/site.status/htdocs ExtendedStatus on <Location /status> order deny,allow allow from deny from all SetHandler server-status </Location> <Location /info> order deny,allow allow from deny from all SetHandler server-status SetHandler server-info </Location> The allow from directive keeps our laundry private. Remember the way order works: the last entry has the last word. Notice also the use of SetHandler , which sets a handler for all requests to a directory, instead of AddHandler, which specifies a handler for particular file extensions. If you then access, you get this response: Apache Server Status for Server Version: Apache/1.3.14 (Unix) Server Built: Feb 13 2001 15:20:23 Current Time: Tuesday, 13-Feb-2001 16:03:30 GMT Restart Time: Tuesday, 13-Feb-2001 16:01:49 GMT Parent Server Generation: 0 Server uptime: 1 minute 41 seconds Total accesses: 21 - Total Traffic: 49 kB CPU Usage: u.0703125 s.015625 cu0 cs0 - .0851% CPU load .208 requests/sec - 496 B/second - 2389 B/request 1 requests currently being processed, 5 idle servers _W___ _.......................................................... ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "." Open slot with no current process Srv PID Acc M CPU SS Req Conn Child Slot Client VHost Request 0-0 2434 0/1/1 _ 0.01 93 5 0.0 0.00 0.00 GET /status HTTP/1.1 1-0 2435 20/20/20 W 0.08 1 0 47.1 0.05 0.05 GET /status?refresh=2 HTTP/1.1 Srv Child Server number - generation PID OS process ID Acc Number of accesses this connection / this child / this slot M Mode of operation CPU CPU usage, number of seconds SS Seconds since beginning of most recent request Req Milliseconds required to process most recent request Conn Kilobytes transferred this connection Child Megabytes transferred this child Slot Total megabytes transferred this slot There are several useful variants on the basic status request made from the browser:
These can also be combined by putting a comma between them, i.e.,,refresh=10. 10.4.2 ExtendedStatusThe ExtendedStatus directive controls whether the server keeps track of extended status information for each request. ExtendedStatus On|Off Default: Off server config This is only useful if the status module is enabled on the server. This setting applies to the entire server and cannot be enabled or disabled on a VirtualHost-by-VirtualHost basis. It can adversely affect performance.
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